Over the last couple of years, globalisation has been advancing more and more quickly. It does not only include the sharing of goods and services, but also culture. As a result, cultures are becoming more similar and less individual. In her book ” Moroccan Youth”s Crisis of Identity – Surfing on Debilities“, published at GRIN in March of 2021, Najia Ajraoui examines the impact this development has on young Moroccan”s perception of self.
The ethnic identity of a person is determined by the nation a person belongs to as well as its cultural practices and customs. Due to globalisation and the late effects of colonialism, Western culture is starting to take over the whole world. Young people in particular are not aware of its influence because they are so connected virtually and are used to everyone consuming the same content. This means that nationalism is slowly disappearing and is being replaced by a virtual geography with no frontiers.
Western ideals are expanding into the rest of the world
In the modern world, children use the internet just as much or even more frequently than adults. Internet culture is a mix of all the news and opinions that are relevant in the world at that moment and influences the construction of a young person”s identity. Depending on how heavily an individual relies on the internet as a source of content, virtual communities will become more important than local ones. This is especially interesting in the context of Moroccan identity, which used to be defined by a common religion and history. In “Moroccan Youth”s Crisis of Identity”, Najia Ajraoui explores how Western ideals are changing Moroccan culture and the extent to which an individual”s identity is dependent on others. Her findings are helpful for anyone affected by this issue as well as those wanting to learn more about the construct of culture and identity.
About the Author
Born in Meknes, Morocco, Najia Ajraoui has a PhD in English literature from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles. She is at present teaching the English language, literature and translation at the Faculty of Letters Dhar Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fes. Fluent in Arabic, French and English, she has published in French a novel titled “Le Paradis Sous Leurs Pieds” in 1999 and a collection of short stories, “Fragments”, in 2007.
The book has been released at GRIN Publishing in March 2021 (ISBN: 978-3-346-36525-5).
Direct link: https://www.grin.com/document/984663
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